and Disclaimers:
The information within this site is not intended to serve as medical advice. This information is for educational purposes and is given to help you, the reader, become a more active collaborator with your physician and other health care providers. This web site is not intended as a substitute for the medical consultation or recommendation of a physician. This site does not directly or indirectly give medical guidance or prescribe treatment of any kind. It is crucial that each individual learns to assess the quality and reliability of information on the Internet. Please refer to Assessing the Quality of Medical Information on the Internet and read the articles that discuss the evaluation of health-related web sites. We have attempted to provide readers with the most accurate and up to date information available. However, the fields of medicine are continually changing. Therefore, the reader should always consult with his / her physician. No effort has been made to independently verify the accuracy of the information provided. The visitor is responsible for all actions based on the information provided. This page does not constitute an expressed or implied recommendation or endorsement of any particular product, service, event, or company but is intended simply as a source of possible events and occurrences. We take no responsibility whatsoever with regard to the selection, performance, or use of the information listed on this or any other page.
Bandaids and Blackboards: When Chronic Illness...Or Some Other Medical Problem...Goes to School
ChIPS-support for teens with chronic illnesses from people who have the same illness to siblings to friends of ill teens.
The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide
Electric Apple Journal: Ideas and Information for Healthier Living
Girl Power-A multi-phase public health initiative designed to prevent drug abuse and other risky behaviors among girls. This site has a section for parents with facts, statistics, and other helpful information, as well as a highly interactive girls-only section with games; tips on health, peer pressure, and self-esteem; and ways to contribute to the website.
Health Finder-consumer health and human services information web site is a free gateway to consumer health and human services information web site developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
JAMA Asthma Information Center- JAMA Asthma Information Center is a collection of "peer-reviewed resources for physicians, other health care professionals, and the general public."
Kentucky Department of Education Food Guide Pyramid
kidsDoctor: What Every Parent Needs to Know
KidsHealth-KidsHealth is devoted to children's health, with special emphasis on health education for kids and parents. KidsHealth, created by the NemoursFoundation, offers separate browsing areas for kids, parents, and professionals.
KidsHealth at the AMA- KidsHealth is the newest service to join the growing American Medical Association Health Insight pages. Provided by AMA and the NemoursFoundation, the site contains easily understandable information about childhood infections, child development (from birth to two years), safety and accident prevention, and first aid.
Kidsource Online-Kidsource Online is an extensive collection of information about raising children from newborns to adolescents. A sampling of the publications they've pulled together at the site includes "Children and Bilingualism" from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; "Testing Your Child's Hearing" by Carol Knightly, Pediatric Audiologist; and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation.
Pediatric Points of Interest (POI)-The Points of Pediatric Interest page at Johns Hopkins University is a comprehensive and well-designed collection of links to information on all aspects of children's health care and related issues. Parents, teachers, care-givers, and professionals will find the site useful.
Pediatrics: Electronic Pages-The American Academy of Pediatrics is now offering an online extension of its monthly peer-reviewed print journal Pediatrics.
PEDINFO: An Index of the Pediatric Internet-This web site gathers pointers to Internet resources for pediatricians and others interested in pediatrics.
Prevline- The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. A service of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
SickKids Discussion List-SICKKIDS is an open, unmoderated discussion list for kids who are ill. These kids all have chronic or potentially fatal illness, and benefit by having this support group to talk to each other. The list is for kids only, ages 18 and under.
The Sickle Cell Information Center-The Georgia N.I.H. Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, and the Pediatrics and Hematology-Oncology Departments of the Emory University Medical School sponsor this site, an information-rich compendium on Sickle Cell Anemia that targets health care providers and patients alike.
The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Network Web site offers information about SIDS research, awareness programs, how to reduce the risk of SIDS and legislative alerts.
NASA-MSU/Bozeman Center for Educational Resources Project Astronomy