ACGS is a forum for all pets and animals-great and small. We represent a broad spectrum of homeschooling pets and welcome all points of view from pets and their owners. This forum is established to give all homeschooled pets and animals a voice to express opinions, seek answers to question, understand their human caretakers, correspond with other animals, discuss food, give support, share ideas, resources and socialize. While we try to be inclusive, our charter requires that membership is not open to humans. However, non-homeschooled pets are welcome and encouraged to participate. The only way for humans to participate is if any of you feel more comfortable dictating to humans rather than struggling with your own writing. Humans may send in only verbatim dictation and may not add their own comments. We expect all animals to be respectful in their use of language and subject matter. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Pets are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness- That to secure these Rights, pet owners exist, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of their pets. This relationship has its Foundation on such principles, as to seem most likely to effect the Safety and Happiness of Pets. We welcome NEW MEMBERS. Please e-mail ACGS (or if your browser supports forms use the form below) with your name, age and if possible send us a picture of yourself (you can attack a GIF or JEPEG file to your e-mail or if you want to send it snail mail e-mail us for information). Please submit your writing by e-mail and indicate in the subject line the category for your interest. You will see a list of categories on the left if your browser supports frames. We are ever expanding and welcome new areas. We encourage our members and friends to send in comments on areas of interest to homeschoolers. Please share your ideas with the rest of us by e-mailing us at ACGS. Some suggested areas of interest can be found at Pets. Please feel free, however, to suggest new areas.
If your browser supports forms, you can apply for membership using the form below.
Your human's name here:
Email: Homepage: What is the title of your homepage: How did you find us?: Lycos Alta Vista Starting Point Yahoo! Netscape Net Search NewsGroups Webring Other Animals Other Homeschool Sites Just Surfed On In! What type of animal are you?: Tell us about yourself, your family, where you live, and send us a letter, story, etc: