Dear Everyone,
I am Tucker. I am a 18 month Labrador Retriever. I live with 4 kids, 2 adults and 8 cats. I an open minded animal and generally enjoy my feline companions. See this picture of my dog house and porch?What is wrong with this picture? You guessed it. Dr. Mickles seems to be making himself a wee bit
too at home in MY house. Do you know what happens to me when I go into his house uninvited? Or if I happen to want to run and chase him (and his 7 companions) when he is not in the mood. Just because he is Dr. Mickles of the ACGS, does that mean he can just come and take over my house without asking first? What do you think? Or am I complaining instead of being a good friend?
Yours in the name of All Creatues,