The WindyCreek Award of Excellence is presented to outstanding WWW sites that expand the universe of learning by sharing knowledge and educating children and their parents. To be eligible, your Website must be exceptional in content and design, updated on a regular basis, and focus and content must be clearly presented. Navigation of your Website must be easy to use and loading speed of webpages must be reasonable. The total experience of your site will be based on original content and concepts, along with enhancing graphic design. The pages must be family-appropriate and child-safe. To nominate a site please fill in the form below.

WindyCreek Award of Excellence



Site nominated:

Title of the nominated site:

How did you find us?:

Where do you live?:

Description of nominated site and reasons nominated:

If you browser does not support forms, to nominate a page (including your own), E-mail the following information (be sure to put WindyCreek Award of Excellence in the subject field):

Your URL
Page title
Describe qualities of your site that make it appropriate for this award.
Your e-mail address
Mail to (click to mail) : WindyCreek Homeschool

Only recipients of the award will be contacted by e-mail. If you do not hear from us, you may try again at a later date. There are many excellent home pages on the web and they keep getting better. Please keep in mind that pages must be "family-friendly" and child-safe so if there are any adult-only pages or links on your site, please do not submit your page. A site's focus need not be exclusively for children. We will try to visit each site that is submitted.

A note to the recipients of the award: You may display the award graphic featured at the top of this page on your own page. Please download the graphic to your own server and link it back to our main site URL:

Thank you all for you interest.