respective theorizers. Kant's and Socrates' type (probably both INTPs) also shared. world's population (consistent in cross-cultural studies) and that INTPs make up ~1% of the world's population! It should also be noted that personality, is to a large degree, biological in nature and only marginally affected by environment. Thus, even education to fit Kant's requirement of rational beings would not alter to any large degree the number of NT's in the world! What this implies is that only a certain percentage of the world's population has the potential to be rational beings! The NFs are more likely to follow moral feeling; SJs will follow tradition and law, SPs don't bother to consider the categorical imperative but instead live by the hypothetical imperative! This leaves NTs to be those that consider morality in a rational and "philosophical manner" that corresponds to Kant's rational beings. NTs will be concerned with justice, logic, and constancy and the NF with fairness. Does this mean only 12% of the population can be moral? (I want to add that a speckling of ENFPs and INFPs are added to the NT groups, but are dominated by the INTP [most of the NTs don't enter into philosophic thought even though many do enter into scientific thought] which brings up the number of potential individuals fitting the personality requisites for rational beings to 4%.) acknowledge that a certain degree of intelligence is required in order for individuals with the proper personality type to be "smart" enough to make the required connections necessary for the abstract and theoretical thought required of the rational being. We can (without being scientific) assume that those with this proper intelligence have on average, an IQ of "great theorizers" had). We run into the problem, though, of distinguishing those with a well rounded IQ >140 and those who are strong only in one area such as math, language, or music/art. However, since those with an IQ of >140 represent only ~.0025% of the population, we will make, latter on in our calculations of rational beings, rough subtractions. which meet Kants criteria, we must multiply the percentage of the population fitting the proper personality and intelligence quotient to the world population, and then make rough subtractions to compensate for environmental factors. The equation follows: World population equals ~6,000,000,000 x .04 (proper personality type) x .0025 (proper IQ range) = 600,000 individuals |