ability to think logically them. (Mathematical and artistic intelligences have little barring on moral thought.) It is here that we see intelligence as being important to Kant's moral philosophy is universal, that all beings have the choice to become a "rational being." However, a tremendous amount of research asserts that this is not true, that only some people have a choice. We must now question who can become a rational being and thus begin our journey to discover the influence of personality on philosophy. There is, in fact, a method in which we can determine who is and who has the potential to become a rational being and therefore fulfill Kant's requirements for morality-- this being the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. When describing the "rational being" we at the same time have succeeded in characterizing the NT or more precisely the INTP4 am going to argue, is not due to coincidence--the "rational being" describes with relative accuracy mankind's greatest philosophers and this is often reflected in their writings. Both Socrates and Aristotle (Keirsey 1998, pg.23) were NT's as are Kant, Mill, and Hegel, and the statistical evidence has shown that most philosophers throughout history and those found in today's universities, as well as many psychologist (in research); are almost all NT's. In particular, most have been found to be INTPs. Through the last fifty years of research into personality, it has been discovered that the "grand theorizers," those individuals that developed theories to describe the world and that have impacted the philosophy and thought of mankind most, have consistently been shown to fit the NT character type and even more so the INTP personality type, and thus fit Kant's rational being. (NTs [ENTP, ENTJ, INTJ, and INTP] also make up a majority of the scientific field, e.g. Einstein and many physicists are INTPs.) That philosophers share a similar temperament helps to explain why certain personalities and intelligence are so valued--because it represents their type which they believe (not having any concept of psychological types) to be correct! This is demonstrated by the fact that Kant's rational beings, and Socrates' philosopher king share a similar personality and intelligence which, in comparison, also correspond to their |
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