universal, only to obtain that which is prudent and practical. Thus, while the categorical imperative is objective and universal, the hypothetical imperative is subjective. It is a method in which we try to attain an end such as happiness, which is subjective (everyone has a different concept of happiness, regardless of whether all desire it). The hypothetical imperative includes the ability to lie under certain circumstances when it is prudent. The hypothetical imperative also exerts heteronomy of the will, in that the will is following desire which is dictating to the will what to do. The categorical imperative requires the autonomy of the will, as the categorical imperative requires that we make choices to follow universal laws, i.e. we are not doing something because we will get something else. moral by calling moral beings "rational beings." To find what is moral through the categorical imperative requires reason and logic and for the consequences of an action for be thoroughly thought through. This requires that a rational being have a certain set of similar characteristics. A rational being must firstly be rational, logical, and objective, not led about by desire and moral feeling. He must also be introspective in order that he recognize that an act must be thought through to determine whether or not it is moral. This requires a certain degree of "hyper- consciousness." By hyper-conscious, I refer to the state of consciousness deeper than that of awareness of one's mere existence, but awareness of one's motivations--constant introspection, thought, and questioning of ones's actions and notions, and the constant asking of why, not only about one's self but about all that one encounters in their lifetime. Intuition is also a requirement of the rational being, as he must be able to make connections. It also requires that the rational being try to be objective and consider many possible courses of actions. Finally, a rational being must have a certain degree of high intelligence (IQ) in order for what he reasons to be moral, correct, and veridical. To be a rational being requires not only the innate ability to be rational, introspective/hyper-conscious, and psychological intelligence that allows the individual to make use of the above qualities by being able to make connections and to relate (a requisite of this is that the rational being must be educated and desire knowledge). By psychological intelligence I refer to the ability to understand people's behavior, motivations, etc. and to be able to relate to them. Intellectual intelligence can be defined as a general ability to have competence in most areas of thought (math-philosophy) especially the |