this cultural conditioning. John Stuart Mill describes this best in "Utilitarianism": |
perception and culture. Though Mill wrote "Utilitarianism" in 1861, even then he recognized that "the present wretched education and wretched social arrangements are the only real hindrance to [awareness]being attainable to all" (pg. 13). Education isn't the problem, it's the culture and how and what itchooses to educate through schooling. Finally, Leopold mentions the educated Phi Beta Kappawoman who was not aware of the geese "that proclaim the revolving seasons" (1949, pg.18). Iwant to reiterate that this women is blind to greater awareness of nature not because of education, but because of culture--a culture that never explained the importance of being aware ( or rather, paying attention) or of caring for the natural world in a deeper manner. Thus, we can firmly state that education serves the purpose of cultivating the mind to be even more aware, not only of ideas, poetry, history, science, and of mankind, but of nature. Education does not blind us to greater knowledge, it removes the cataracts that have hindered our sight so that we may see again with greater clarity. accepted by today's culture. It is not a healthy definition as it turns young minds away from expanding their awareness of world and its many intricacies. Leopold is correct to question the schooling our culture does through socialization, for it does turn us away from other ways to view the world and it does select what we
are aware of. But, A Sand County
Almanac do this, unless an effort is going to be made to justify it's reasoning and placement in a work of poetry. Education, in the true sense (and perhaps it is a concept that Leopold did not grasp), serves to make us aware of our world, it expands our knowledge, and helps us to develop our mind and thought. I have found, through my personal experience of years of homeschooling, that education is beautiful, if not a spiritual experience. Perhaps because I was educated in an environment that sought to cultivate the mind (much as I see the purpose of "university"), I have a different |